Who we are

Treehouse is intentionally a private Pilates space for members to focus on form, activation, alignment and embody the intention of each exercise- to get the most out of your session and out of Pilates. Each session is programmed to the individual’s needs, alignment and goals.

We utilize state-of-the-art equipment that is sustainably sourced and refurbished, ensuring that our pricing reflects our commitment to the accessibility of Pilates for our community. This commitment ensures that individuals of all backgrounds and fitness levels can benefit from the physical and mental advantages that Pilates offers.

Maura Naughton Bio

I started Pilates as a young dancer learning to heal various injuries and refine dance technique through adulthood as a professional dancer. Pilates became so much more than cross training as it changed my daily experience in a body; strengthened my joints, improved ease in posture and provided me support not only dancing but in the physical experience of my every day life and mental health. I believe in the psychosomatic benefits of a consistent practice and I appreciate how I feel clarity, understanding for my body and the challenges I am able to embrace each day. The playfulness of Pilates encourages a curiosity in my movement practice that helps me to tune deeper into my own body-mind and to approach my experience in a body with a sense of curiosity, compassion and play.

I appreciate studying with knowledgeable mentors and learning both Contemporary techniques and Classical Pilates.

I continue to research the repertoire and my understanding this system of exercises available to every body, level, age, ability or experience through mindful teaching and an individualized practice. It is a wonderful privilege to work with each client through Pilates.